Synopsis: A pair of interwoven stories set in the present and past, THE LAST LETTER FROM YOUR LOVER follows Ellie Haworth (Felicity Jones), an ambitious journalist who discovers a trove of secret love letters from 1965 and becomes determined to solve the mystery of the forbidden affair at their center. As she uncovers the story behind Jennifer Stirling (Shailene Woodley), the wife of a wealthy industrialist, and Anthony O’Hare (Callum Turner) the financial journalist assigned to cover him, a love story of Ellie’s own begins to unfold with the assistance of an earnest and endearing archivist (Nabhaan Rizwan) who helps her track down more letters. Based on the novel by JoJo Moyes and directed by Augustine Frizzell.
Directed by: Augustine Frizzell | Written by: Nick Payne and Esta Spalding | Based on the novel by: Jojo Moyes | Produced by: Simone Urdl, Jennifer Weiss, Graham Broadbent, Pete Czernin | Starring: Felicity Jones, Callum Turner, Joe Alwyn, Nabhaan Rizwan and Shailene Woodley
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