Stranger Things Season 4 kicked off on Netflix, and immediately transported me back to 1986. I re-watched Season One Episode One before starting this one. It was heartwarming to see how much these young actors had grown, yet kept the endearing personalities that we bonded with years ago.
The concern – spoilers aside – is that they are trying to do too much with this one. There are so many story arcs that you will need a pen and paper (not that anyone uses those anymore) to keep track of it all. A couple of the plot points are super fun while a couple of others are a tad more monotonous.
The Upside Down. We need to know where it came from, and what is controlling it. Will we know in this phase of episodes, or in the second phase coming in July? Or, heaven forbid, it ends up like LOST and we have more questions than answers. Regardless we do get a lot of new characters who reflect the 80’s to the max.
The only concern on this one? I want to stretch out the episodes until the July series starts. My wife would rather binge them all in a day or two.