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5c424233-92d1-4135-8207-2ad76d6141afWhen two couples with mixed feelings about having kids hatch a plan to conceive and share one baby, things spiral out of control.

Not Rated For Mature Audiences| 1h 59min | Comedy | VOD/Digital Date: July 24

Starring: Danny Pudi, Emily C. Chang, Maiara Walsh, Eddie Alfano, Maya Stojan, Brian Thomas Smith and Mark Feuerstein.

Commentary: BABYSPLITTERS was a fun comedy to watch mainly due to the personable dialogue and its approach to the age old question of child rearing. All married couples have wrestled with the decision of how, when, and where to start having children. It is a big step and one that puts fear in the hearts of some and abundant joy in others. Sam Friedlander writes and directs a strong script that tackles this topic with a unique concept that leads to hilarious and unforeseen hurdles for the characters.

Jeff (Danny Pudi) and Sarah (Emily Chang) can’t agree on the baby thing. Sarah feels her body clock ticking and is ready to move forward. Jeff on the other hand is reluctant and not ready to give up the freedom that they now enjoy. Their best friends Don (Eddie Alfano) and Taylor (Maiara Walsh) are in a similar predicament. Except for them it is Don who is ready and Taylor who wants to wait. One night over drinks they hatch what seems like the perfect plan. But it always looks better on paper.

Couples with or without kids will find much here to laugh at and even at times be emotional over. The conversations are organic and relatable. The story doesn’t shy away from poking fun at all elements of parenting and the pregnancy process. From Gyno visits, to those crazy couples with the out of control kids everything is fair game. Along with the humor is a lot of heart. The discussions are funny but full of truth. Bringing a child into the world is a big step and one that can bring joy and sorrow. The movie does a very good job of balancing all elements of marriage and parenting.

Some may find the last act a bit too heavy with one too many twists. It is not a deal breaker for the film but could have stood with a tad bit more editing. That is just my opinion and others might find me completely off base. But if you do find yourself frustrated at the direction it is taking hang in there as the end result is worth the trip and makes sense in the end. I give it an A- and encourage couples – especially those thinking of becoming parents – to give it a watch. If anything it might give you some laughter and perspective and take away the stress for a while.

One of the funniest scenes of the movie is certainly not for the youngsters but will have adults feeling the awkward tension as it plays put with hilarious results. Though unrated it is intended for mature audiences so if you have kids out them to bed first.

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