Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, and most of West Texas. Boots, guns, and glory permeate the new dramady thriller from B.J Novak (The Office). This film could easily become a cult classic with its deep storyline, colloquial characters, and memorable performances.
Synopsis: A radio host from New York City attempts to solve the murder of a girl he hooked up with and travels down south to investigate the circumstances of her death and discover what happened to her.
Ben Manalowitz (Novak) is a player through and through. His relationships are superficial and short lived. He can’t remember the names of the girls he has “dated” nor does he seem to care. Life is one social outing after another with nothing to show for it in the end. The only thing he is passionate about is his dream to create a podcast where he can get his voice to the masses. He feels like he has something to say even if he isn’t quite sure what that is.
Circumstances lead him to a small West Texas town where he stumbles on what he thinks could be the story he needs to launch him and his podcast to the top. On this journey Ben will have to do a deep dive soul search to discover his true self. Luckily he has the eccentric family of the dead girl to help him through it all.
Vengeance is very well written with powerful conversations
It says a lot about the pulse of our society when it comes to media, voices, and truth. There are several twists and turns that you will not see coming. Plus, if you ever needed a Texas history class; this is it.
Novak wrote, directs, and stars in this new film.
All in all does a pretty solid job with the trifecta. One of the best performances comes from Ashton Kutcher who plays a local record producer. He is given some of the best dialogue and delivers it perfectly.
Vengeance is one of the most Texas films you will see this year.
Those from Texas will take it all as a huge compliment. Those unfamiliar with the Lone Star State will wonder what is fact and what is fiction. It is a big state with big tales, and it is safe to say that Novak’s story could not have fit better anywhere else.
#VENGEANCE is rated R for language and brief violence.